
Challenge 4: DOAS Solutions

Getting fresh air into the space when using decentralized solutions such as VRV or WSHPs may require a separate dedicated system. T9hese are becoming popular due to energy savings, which can also reduce grid emissions.

  • Traditional DOAS HPs have struggled with operation during cold ambient temperatures with high percentages of outside air, which can frost the coils 
  • Daikin smart defrosting controls by circuit 
    • Electric pre-heat to extend operating range
    • Mixed air unit that uses return air during defrost to keep coil temperature higher
  • Daikin delivers unmatched flexibility 
    • Daikin Rebel Applied package rooftop units serve as a simple, efficient, factory charged solution Rebel Applied RTU
    • Applied VRV systems that use VRV condensers paired with Preciseline or Vision AHUs to deliver compact footprint and wide ambient capability
      PreciseLine AHU  Vision/Skyline AHU